

Packaging the Future Responsibly

ePac’s Commitment

Our Technology

Reduced waste from the elimination of conventional plates. Order now with no upfront plate fees.

Close to You

We are in a position to produce your orders in the closest production site to your location, minimising our CO2 emissions.


Less Packaging Waste

No more packaging obsolescence due to labelling changes. Order-on-demand.

Waste Management

ePac production waste is fully segregated and recycled to minimise environmental impact.

Why is Our Packaging so Easy to Recycle?

We are uniquely positioned to offer a variety of packaging solutions without compromising product quality and barrier protection.

Our lightweight packaging solutions reduce plastic usage and significantly lower CO2 emissions. Designed for recyclability, our recyclable, mono-material plastic packaging ensures optimal barrier protection while being the easiest to process, contributing to a sustainable future.

With ePacECO, you can trust our products to provide a responsible and eco-friendly alternative to conventional packaging.


Our ePac EcoLabel not only meets all EU sustainability standards but also aligns perfectly with evolving consumer preferences. You will find this mark proudly displayed on all our ePacECO Label solutions.

Our recyclable options utilise PE and/or PP structures, ensuring they can be recycled wherever collection and recycling systems are in place. For specific details about recyclability in your market, our packaging experts are ready to assist you.


Leading the Way in Recyclable Flexible Packaging

ePac’s R&D efforts are focused on recyclable solutions. We have pioneered the use of mono-material structures, as well as polyolefins, which are increasingly becoming widely recyclable. This allows us to offer our customers sustainable alternatives to their non-sustainable packaging without compromising on shelf life or barrier protection.

Our commitment to innovation keeps us at the forefront of industry trends and ensures compliance with EU legislation. By leveraging our extensive technical expertise and market experience, we guide our customers through the complexities of transitioning to recyclable flexible packaging, helping them stay ahead of the curve.


3 steps to a more sustainable packaging


Minimising environmental impact by prioritising materials that offer product protection and sustainable credentials.


Reducing our carbon footprint by providing packaging which has a lower life cycle carbon footprint than alternatives. 


Reducing packaging weight to promote environmental sustainability and minimise costs.

A Packaging Solution for Each Product


Our digitally-printed, custom stand up pouches help your products stand up, and out, on the shelf. Our high-quality films, durable structures, and photo-quality print technology ensure that your pouch has a premium look and feel, matched with best-in-class performance.

Features available

  • Press-to-close zipper
  • Child resistant zipper 
  • Straight tear zipper 
  • Hanghole 
  • Tear notch 
  • Rounded Corners 
  • Window
  • Metallic Effect
  • Tear notch 
  • Rounded Corners 
  • Window
  • Metallic Effect

Bottom type

  • Plow 
  • K-seal 
  • Doyen (Doypack) 

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte
  • Soft-touch (Satin feel)


Our digitally printed lay-flat pouches are made with premium-grade films to help brands of all sizes have a package that stands apart from the competition.

Features available

  • Press-to-close Zipper
  • Child resistant zipper 
  • Straight tear zipper 
  • Hanghole 
  • Tear notch 
  • Rounded Corners 
  • Window
  • Metallic Effect

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte
  • Soft-touch (Satin feel)


Easy to run solution for any HFFS and VFFS packing machine lines for this key industry format offering excellent product protection and shelf life.
Perfect for cosmetic, snacks, cheese, single-use coffee sachets, cereal, nutritional bars and many more. 

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte


Our digitally-printed, custom stand up pouches help your products stand up, and out, on the shelf. Our high-quality films, durable structures, and photo-quality print technology ensure that your pouch has a premium look and feel, matched with best-in-class performance.

Features available

  • Press-to-close Zipper
  • Child resistant zipper 
  • Straight tear zipper 
  • Hanghole 
  • Tear notch 
  • Rounded Corners 
  • Window
  • Metallic Effect

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte

Bottom type

  • Plow 
  • K-seal 
  • Doyen (Doypack) 


Our digitally printed lay-flat pouches are made with premium-grade films to help brands of all sizes have a package that stands apart from the competition.

Features available

  • Press-to-close Zipper
  • Child resistant zipper 
  • Straight tear zipper 
  • Hanghole 
  • Tear notch 
  • Rounded Corners 
  • Window
  • Metallic Effect

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte


Easy to run solution for any HFFS and VFFS packing machine lines for this key industry format offering excellent product protection and shelf life.
Perfect for cosmetic, snacks, cheese, single-use coffee sachets, cereal, nutritional bars and many more. 

Material Finishes

  • Gloss
  • Matte

What Our Customers Say

Choosing the right packaging was crucial for Peast Performance’s success. In collaboration with ePac, we opted for 100% recyclable stand-up pouches, aligning with Biologon’s commitment to sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions.

Martina Pletzenauer

Elsy has opted for recyclable packaging, which can be easily sorted. As a local brand, Elsy proudly embraces the ‘Made in France’ label!.

Claire Laurent

At Mighty Drinks, we chose recyclable soft plastic packaging to significantly diminish our carbon footprint. The statistics associated with this shift underscore the tangible impact on environmental sustainability, showcasing our dedication to responsible packaging practices.

Sam Corwell

ePac Recyclable Structure by Country*

In Austria, the recyclability of flexible packaging is regulated by the Federal Environment Agency in conjunction with the guidelines of the EU Circular Economy Package. These bodies ensure that packaging materials are designed, labeled, and processed to support a sustainable circular economy.

Below are the recyclable structures we offer in Austria:


In France, the recyclability of flexible packaging is overseen by Citeo and Cotrep, two key advisory bodies dedicated to promoting sustainable packaging and recycling practices. These organisations provide guidelines and standards to ensure that packaging materials are designed for efficient recycling.

In France, our recyclable structures include:

Paper / PE EVOH

In Germany, the recycling of flexible packaging is governed by the Verpackungsgesetz (Packaging Act) and monitored by the Verpackungsregister (Packaging Register). These regulatory frameworks ensure that packaging materials are designed, labeled, and processed to promote effective recycling and environmental sustainability.

At ePac Flexible Packaging, we are committed to providing sustainable packaging solutions that align with Germany’s stringent recycling standards. Here is a detailed list of our recyclable structures available in Germany:


In the UK, the recycling landscape for flexible packaging is guided by key advisory bodies such as the On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) and the Advisory Committee on Packaging (ACP). These organizations provide crucial guidelines and standards to ensure that packaging materials are correctly labeled and recycled efficiently.

Here’s a breakdown of our recyclable packaging structures available in the UK:


* The recyclability information provided is based on the latest PPWR regulations as of June 2024 and may vary by country.


Why do we not use compostable/biodegradable materials?

While the idea of compostable/biodegradable packaging might sound appealing, it’s not yet a fully reliable or practical solution. Many consumers believe that compostable/biodegradable materials can simply be thrown away in nature and will break down naturally. However, this is not the case. Compostable/Biodegradable packaging still requires specific industrial processes and conditions to decompose properly, which are not always readily available. Under the PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) regulations, recyclability is preferred over compostability. Only a few types of packaging shall be industrially compostable, such as sticky labels and permeable tea bags/coffee and beverage bags. These will be processed in bio waste treatment facilities.

At ePac, we are committed to minimising environmental impact and avoiding further pollution. That’s why we focus on offering recyclable packaging. Recyclable materials can be processed within existing infrastructure, ensuring a more sustainable and practical approach to reducing waste and conserving resources. By prioritising recyclability, we support a circular economy and make it easier for consumers to make eco-friendly choices.

What recycling symbols can I use?

In the UK, several recycling symbols are commonly used to indicate recyclability and provide guidance on waste disposal. Here are some key ones:

  1. Mobius Loop: Indicates that the item is capable of being recycled. Sometimes, it includes a percentage to denote the recycled content.
  2. On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL): Provides clear information on whether the packaging can be recycled or how to dispose of it properly. To use the OPRL symbols you will need to be a member.
  3. Plastic Resin Codes: Numbers inside a triangle of arrows (e.g. HDPE 2) that identify the type of plastic for recycling purposes. This can be found on our material specification, attached to your ePac quote.
  4. Tidyman: A reminder to dispose of the item responsibly and not to litter.
  5. Widely Recycled: Found on packaging that is collected by most local authorities in the UK for recycling.
How can I tell if a packaging is recyclable?

In the UK, you can usually determine if packaging is recyclable by looking for specific indicators on the packaging itself or by referring to guidance from local authorities. Here’s how:

  1. Check for Recycling Symbols: Look for recycling symbols or labels on the packaging. Common symbols include the Mobius Loop (three arrows in a triangle), the Green Dot, and the On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL). These symbols typically indicate that the packaging is recyclable or provide instructions on how to recycle it.
  2. Read the Label: Packaging may include information about its recyclability or disposal instructions. Look for phrases like “widely recycled,” “check local recycling,” or “not yet recycled.” Additionally, some products may have specific instructions, such as “rinse before recycling” or “remove labels.”
  3. Refer to Local Guidelines: Check with your local council or recycling authority for guidance on what can be recycled in your area. Many councils provide detailed information on their websites or through leaflets about which materials are accepted for recycling and how they should be prepared.
  4. Plastic Resin Codes: Look for the resin identification code, usually found within a triangle of arrows, which indicates the type of plastic used in the packaging. Some councils accept certain types of plastics for recycling, so knowing the resin code can be helpful.
  5. Use Recycling Apps or Tools: There are apps like Recyclable Now and online tools available that can help you determine if packaging is recyclable. These tools often provide information based on your location and the type of packaging.

By paying attention to these indicators and staying informed about local recycling guidelines, you can make more informed choices about recycling packaging in the UK.

What is the difference between recyclable material and recycled?

The difference between recyclable material and recycled material lies in their current state and potential for reuse:

  1. Recyclable Material: Recyclable material refers to items that can be collected, sorted, and processed into new products through recycling systems. These materials have the potential to be recycled, meaning they can undergo a series of steps to be transformed into new products instead of being disposed of as waste. For example, many types of plastics, paper, glass, and metals are recyclable.
  2. Recycled Material: Recycled material, on the other hand, refers to materials that have already been through the recycling process and turned into new products or materials. These are materials that have been collected, sorted, cleaned, processed, and manufactured into new items. For instance, recycled plastic bottles can be transformed into new plastic containers, recycled paper can be used to make new paper products, and recycled glass can be melted down to create new glass bottles.

In summary, recyclable material can potentially be recycled, while recycled material has already undergone the recycling process and been transformed into new products. Recycling is a cyclical process that involves both the collection and processing of recyclable materials and the manufacturing of new products using recycled materials.

Is PCR material recyclable in flexible packaging?

PCR material is as recyclable as its virgin stock equivalent.

Flexible packaging made from PCR material, such as recycled plastic films or pouches, can be collected and recycled through specific recycling schemes or facilities depending on the material structure used. However, it’s essential to ensure that the packaging is clean and free from contaminants to maintain the quality of the recycled material.

Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) material, while recyclable, has limitations, particularly in its suitability for certain applications like food packaging. Due to regulatory requirements and safety concerns, PCR material is often not recommended for direct contact with food products. Therefore, ePac doesn’t currently offer packaging made from PCR material for food products to ensure compliance with food safety standards and regulations. However, we will continue to review the options as PPWR (Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation) progresses.

What happens to recycled packaging?

In the UK, the recycling process for packaging involves several key steps:

  1. Collection: Recyclable materials are collected from households and businesses through curbside collection programs, recycling centers, and drop-off points.
  2. Sorting: At a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the collected materials are sorted into different types (e.g., plastics, paper, glass, metals) using both manual and automated processes such as conveyor belts, magnets, and optical sorters.
  3. Cleaning and Processing: The sorted materials are then cleaned to remove any contaminants. For example, plastics are washed, and labels are removed. After cleaning, the materials are processed into forms that can be used in manufacturing. This can include shredding, melting, or pulping.
  4. Manufacturing: The processed materials are sold to manufacturers who use them to produce new products. For instance:
    • Plastics: Recycled plastics can be turned into new packaging, clothing, and construction materials.
    • Paper: Recycled paper is used to produce new paper products, including newspapers, office paper, and cardboard.
  5. Distribution: The new products made from recycled materials are then distributed and sold to consumers, completing the recycling loop.
  6. End-Use: Consumers purchase and use products made from recycled materials, continuing the cycle of consumption and recycling.

The goal of recycling packaging in the UK is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserve natural resources, save energy, and reduce carbon emissions. Effective recycling relies on proper sorting and contamination-free recycling streams to ensure high-quality materials for manufacturing.