Packaged cookies have long been a pantry staple, with a plethora of varieties to please all cookie lovers. Today, the eating habits of cookie fans are changing to include more occasions and healthier options.
The COVID-19 pandemic spurred large growth in the segment as people enjoy more meals and snacks in the comfort of their homes. According to IRI, the cookie category more than doubled in dollar sales in 2020 versus 2019. An increasing number of people are incorporating cookies into more parts of their day, eating them as desserts, snacks, or even as a healthy treat. IRI further predicts that the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online sales, which will continue to be a growth channel for the category.
This means that there are more opportunities than ever to deliver new cookie recipes in updated packaging that speaks to more shoppers, especially online shoppers looking for your brand on e-commerce sites. As you create your next cookie project, consider these top six cookie packaging ideas and trends to set your brand apart on the crowded cookie aisle.
1. Custom Packaging for Bakery Products
Great packaging has the potential to capture consumer attention, retain customer loyalty, and set your brand apart from the competition. Custom printed packaging lets you showcase your brand’s story and personality, while delivering a quality and aesthetically pleasing package.
You’ve seen cookies packaged in tins and boxes, but only custom printed pouches and rollstock offer the premium look and feel today’s picky shopper is looking for. There are various types of cookie pouches available, from single-serve snack bags, to family size pouches, to sample bags meant to hold a single cookie.

2. High-Definition Graphics
Your cookie package design needs to capture attention, whether with a bold design, minimalist look, or life-like graphics. Once you have their focus, you’ll be able to connect with your customers through your packaging’s strong and clear imagery and text.
Many companies are going with digital printing for their cookie packaging because it allows you to print high-definition graphics with photo-like quality to really stand out on the shelf.
3. High-Barrier Films
To extend shelf life and reduce food waste, consider using high-barrier films. These films help protect your cookies and maintain optimum freshness by minimizing the amount of oxygen and other gases that enter or exit the package.
Flexible packaging offers excellent barrier protection for the contents inside, blocking heat, odors, oxygen, and light.
4. Resealable Zippers
Resealable closures and zippers aid in product freshness between uses by keeping oxygen out. Another perk? Consumers love them and may opt for your package over the competition if you offer a resealable closure that will keep their cookies fresh. Zippers also help to prevent spoilage and make the package portable, ideal for bite-size or snack packs.
5. Unique Features
With digital printing, you have the option to add certain embellishments that really make your packaging pop. Want to add a metallic reveal, or a glossy graphic to call out key elements of your design? You can use metallic, gloss, matte, soft touch, or any combination of these to highlight certain parts of your package. These unique features go a long way to help you get your cookie package noticed.

6. Sustainable Packaging
Connect with your consumers on an eco-friendly level or attract new customers with sustainable packaging. Eco-conscious shoppers will appreciate the effort of using sustainable materials in your cookie package. Choose from post-consumer recycled (PCR), fully recyclable bags, or compostable packaging printed with sustainable printing processes and compostable inks.
Cookie Packaging Partner
At ePac, we can help you incorporate all of these trends into your next cookie package. We offer different options for your packaging for cookies, including lay flat pouches, stand-up pouches, and rollstock. If you’re looking for single cookie packaging, or a family size bag, or anything in between, we have you covered.
As you look for the right packaging partner, remember that with ePac’s digital printing and flexible packaging solutions, you’ll enjoy low minimum orders and a fast turnaround so you can get to market quickly, and affordably. With ePac, you get access to experts who can help you find the best way to package cookies for your next project. Call us today.