Comment choisir la bonne épaisseur pour vos sacs Mylar en fonction de votre produit

When looking for the right kind of bag for your product, there are multiple details to consider. It’s not “just a bag” but, instead, the gateway of your product to the people. Mylar is the trade name of METPET, which is a type of bag made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Dupont coined the term Mylar as the trademarked name for this plastic when they developed it.

Comment l’épaisseur du sac Mylar est-elle mesurée ?

Le sac mylar a plusieurs couches de plastique laminé qui agissent comme un excellent absorbeur d’oxygène, de sorte que votre produit est stocké dans les meilleures conditions possibles, c’est pourquoi de nombreuses entreprises alimentaires et de boissons aiment l’utiliser comme emballage flexible de prédiléction.

Sealant thickness is dependent on your packaging size. For small dimensions, there’s 1.5-2.5 mil; in large, there’s 4.5- 6.5 mil. If you’re looking for long-term food storage, we suggest a thicker bag because thicker bags provide better insulation from outside elements. METPET has relatively the same barrier property no matter what thickness sealant film it is laminated to.

L’épaisseur du sac Mylar pour la protection et la facilité d’utilisation

Does Mylar thickness matter? Of course, it does. When using mylar, it’s essential to remember thickness is only a part of the solution; there’s also the aluminum metallization used for bag production. 

Mylar bags use different materials based on advantages. Once the material has been decided, they’re laminated together to create a sturdy pouch that’s simple to use – usually a PET/ METPET/ PE mix. Many brands choose METPET to act as a barrier against the sun’s harmful rays. 

But aluminum is not heat-sealable, so it needs to be laminated with other materials like PE. Thinner bags are more susceptible to puncture damage. All MEPET specs have similar opaqueness/ UV light blocking ability

Choisir l’épaisseur de son sac d’emballage en fonction du type et de la longueur des aliments

Opaque Mylar bags can protect stored food for a very long time, but thickness of METPET specs doesn’t affect shelf life in a major way

1-quart or smaller bags of 4 mils are great snack options for travel-size bags. 4 mils gallon bags are excellent for long-term storage for foods like flour, sugar, or salt. The 5.5mil bag is king, though, and they’re perfect for food like pasta, granola, or beef jerky. Consider 4 mils to be the base level of thickness you’re looking for when choosing a bag.

La bonne épaisseur de sac Mylar pour différents types d’aliments

Thicker PE layer will give better seal strength. If you’re looking for something to protect your ground coffee, a 4 mil bag is a good starting point. If your beans are whole, 5 mils might make more sense. 

Pour quelque chose comme la cassonade, un 4 mils est l’un des moyens les plus simples d’assurer la sécurité et la durabilité. Nous conseillons toujours de commencer à 4 mils lorsqu’il s’agit d’une utilisation à long terme.

Let’s talk if you’re considering jumping to mylar for your company’s coffee, frozen foods, or granola. There are optimizations out there for your brand to see shelf life last for a long time; it just takes the right kind of bag and the right know-how to get the best product out there on the shelves. We’re here to help you execute your vision, one bag at a time.